
今日 MUJIでノートとボールペンを買いました。間もなくクリスマスから、お店には 人がすごく多いでした。アドレスはThe Galleries 2階。Town hallの駅で降りるのなら すぐ目の前です!非常に便利ですよ!
I bought a notebook and a ballpen today from MUJI. It was around X'mas so there were a lot of people there. The address is F2 in The Galleries. It is located just before the Town hall station, which makes it easy to go!

今天我在无印良品买了一本本子和一支圆珠笔。马上就要圣诞节了 店里人很多。地址是The Galleries 2楼。从Town hall火车站下车的话马上就到了。很方便!