
意外的 年底前交換所还能换一次 一直在纠结是换逢坂さん的エドモント还是森久保さん的ジョシュア 最后还是决定换了这个


因为クール我只有緑川さん的シュテル 毕竟是CM放送时候登录送的 尽管双觉满突破了 但数值仍然不好 还是补充一下蓝色的属性吧 パッション有ヴィオ就算了吧 而且我偏心呢 森久保さんの声が好き!


OS X EI Capitan Update

I just upgraded the OSX system for my MacBook Air from Yosemite to the newest Capitan. 


It took a bit long, around 30 mins. The new system looks just the same as the previous Yosemite, which is a bit boring. But anyway the new desktop background, at least, looks very cool!

Well, I am considering not to install updates any more on this machine because the hardware is quite outdated. Or may be it's time to get a new Mac.